Who Said it Would be Easy
by Kirt Tisdale
Who Said it Would be Easy
Kirt Tisdale
Photograph - Photography
Who said it Would be Easy is an art print I created using that single thought framed below a photograph I took of rock climbers making their way up a canyon wall. What I really like about this shot is the fact you have to stop and look for the climbers which just reinforces the enormity of the job they have taken on. If not for a red jacket it would be easy to completely overlook them.
Follow my work:
TheWallGallery: https://thewallgallery.com
Blog: http://thewallgalleryblog.wordpress.com/
Copyright 2013 Kirt Tisdale/TheWallGallery.com
March 28th, 2014
Comments (10)
Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Kirt, this is such a fascinating image. YOU have captured a memorable and outstanding image. W0W! I have just now read the description with this and I'm so glad I did. That's because I wouldn't have noticed the climbers if you hadn't. The title is very fitting too. As always with you Kirt, this is awesome and fabulous. LF
Kirt Tisdale replied:
Thank you very much Anne...your kind words are appreciated more than you know!
Sherri Of Palm Springs
I agree with you kirt, what a great picture and I can image how hard the work is, but I have say you really took a interesting and awesome picture with the right title...nice work Kirt Sherri fl